Blended 2D/3D Web Browser based Visualization and Control Tool
Blended 2D/3D Web Browser based Visualization and Control Tool

StackFrame has created a web browser based environment that provides access to view and control simulation in a blended 2D and 3D world-wide environment.  This capability provides a large suite of usable behaviors for both units and entities,  The high level view provides a traditional top-down 2D display, integrating flexible terrain imagery with Mil Standard 2525 icons.  Zooming in reveals higher detail, swapping the 2525 icons with 3D models, and displays 3D models of buildings and other features such as vegetation.  User’s can move around the scene select actors, and give them orders.

As this capability requires no plugins for the browser, it is supported on desktops and mobile devices. This operates over a modern, efficient web based protocol that is readily suited to operate in LAN or WAN environments.  This delivers blended simulation to the point of need.


Browser Based 3D Visualization and Control Tool
Browser Based 3D Visualization and Control Tool


Magrathea Generated Manhattan
Magrathea Generated Manhattan

Of course, this functions on mobile devices as well:

Application viewed on iPhone
Application viewed on iPhone